Technology of Transformation Workshop

Time: 7-9pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Cost: FREE
Replay Will be Available

Are you ready for a full energetic upgrade?

Join Leah and Bryce for a very special evening of quantum activations, cutting edge conversations and soul-level calibrations.

Allow yourself to receive higher guidance and wisdom in a safe and intimate container.

This experience is perfect if:

  • You’re at a crossroads or are currently going through a major transition in life
  • You’re ready to quantum leap into your most optimal timeline
  • You're feeling a bit anxious about how to navigate this time of great change and technological convergence
  • You're feeling the call to emerge into your fullest expression through your sacred work

    We will be using powerful healing tools such as guided process work, mythological teachings and sound healing to bring you into a higher resonance of being. 

These tools will accelerate and support your journey of coming back home to your most authentic self so that you can experience more joy and abundance in your life.

We look forward to deepening with you! Please share this link with your friends!

Leah and Bryce









About Your Guides:

Leah Sonaria Emmott

Leah Sonaria Emmott, aka Flow Priestess, is a transformational guide, sonic alchemist and ceremonial spaceholder based in Vancouver Canada. She is the founder of 7 figure eco-yoga clothing brand Inner Fire Apparel, the creator of the Embodied Creativity Summit, and focalizer of the Flow Temple Collective. As an ordained Priestess of Isis and Hathor, she works with Egyptian alchemy to support visionary creatives to activate their highest soul blueprints and birth their creative legacies with flow and ease. 

She is an artist, designer, published author, soul singer, curator and community builder. Her current offerings include 1:1 Egyptian Reiki energy attunements, spiritual and entrepreneurial mentorship, embodiment journeys, Kemetic yoga, vocal liberation, breathwork, plant medicine facilitation and sound healing. She co-leads transformational workshops, retreats and pilgrimages to the holy lands of Kemet. 

IG: flowpriestess


Bryce Musil

Bryce Musil is an Accelerated Evolution certified transformational guide and coach.

He is a lifelong student of the Mystery whose mission is to help others embody deeper levels of purpose, expression, peace, and self acceptance. He does this through his presence, guided process work, and teaching. He offers one-on-one coaching as group facilitation.

Bryce is deeply inspired by the land of Khemet and his experiences there. His last journey was a catalyst for embracing this path of helping others experience transformation. The energies and stories of Egypt infuse much of his work. He and Leah co-led a pilgrimage to Egypt in December 2023.

Bryce has trained with Accelerated Evolution Academy since 2020. This training has crystalized his intuitive ability to help others discover and express their deepest truths, accept themselves and their emotions, and transform the obstacles in their way.

Bryce hails from Burnaby, British Columbia on the unceded traditional territories of the səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ təməxʷ (Musqueam), and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people.