Ancient Egyptian
for Accelerated Transformation





Ancient Egyptian
for Accelerated Transformation


Are you ready to remember who you truly are and live your highest timeline?

Hi, I'm Leah Sonaria! 
I am a Priestess of Isis and Hathor, ceremonial spaceholder, spiritual mentor, embodiment guide and sonic alchemist. 

I am here to support your ascension process with powerful ancient tools. 

My initiations in Egypt have opened me to the Great Mystery, in both the earthly and cosmic aspects. I am here to serve as a living embodiment of the Neteru, or universal forces of nature (it's where the word nature comes from!)

My guidance comes from both the inner and outer planes, drawing upon my studies and initiations under powerful mystery lineages devoted to Mother Goddess Isis as well as directly channeling the Neteru (or Egyptian deities) to deliver unique activation codes and frequencies for my clients. 

Are you ready for a cellular upgrade?


This intense and exciting time of global awakening is inviting humanity to embrace its wholeness, while embracing both light and dark to usher in a higher order of being. My purpose here is to be a bridge and to assist in the rebalancing, harmonization and recalibration of all aspects of your being.

This can be a tricky process to navigate, and if my own personal journey can serve as an example, I can say without a doubt that these tools have been pivotal in initiating, supporting and stabilizing my energy system to bring my biggest dreams and manifestations into being.   alchemical transformation required to live the most fulfilling and soul-led life. 

I am here to be your guide and sacred witness, reflecting back the true multi-dimensional version of you as you go through this very significant alchemical process. It's only going to get better, and I'm here to revel in the magic with you!

Are you ready for a cellular upgrade?


This intense and exciting time of global awakening is inviting humanity to embrace its wholeness, while embracing both light and dark to usher in a higher order of being. My purpose here is to be a bridge and to assist in the rebalancing, harmonization and recalibration of all aspects of your being.

This can be a tricky process to navigate, and if my own personal journey can serve as an example, I can say without a doubt that these tools have been pivotal in initiating, supporting and stabilizing my energy system to bring my biggest dreams and manifestations into being.   alchemical transformation required to live the most fulfilling and soul-led life. 

I am here to be your guide and sacred witness, reflecting back the true multi-dimensional version of you as you go through this very significant alchemical process. It's only going to get better, and I'm here to revel in the magic with you!



These Alchemical Practices can help you:

 â˜„ Cleanse past traumas and heal karmic woundings across all timelines and dimensions

 â˜„ Release any blocks to your creativity, multi-dimensional gifts and magic

☄ Navigate transitions and initiations with grace and ease

 â˜„ Ecstatically awaken the light pathways in your body for full-spectrum living and optimal health

 â˜„ Embody your erotic divinity and sensual Shakti power

☄ Support you in your soul's retrieval, remembrance and reclamation

 â˜„ Activate and ground new abundance and prosperity templates aligned to your soul's highest purpose

 â˜„ Liberate your voice, turn on your creative outflow and highest levels of expression

 â˜„ Magnetize ideal divine union partners, relationships and collaborators into your life

What is Kemetic Yoga?

The world's oldest form of yoga 

  • An ancient spiritual system of self-development and awareness
  • Connection and embodiment of Divine Universal Forces - omnipotent creative energy signatures called Neter which form and inform all aspects of cognate reality
  • Focuses on cultivating and circulating life force through specific stories, symbols and pathways to reflect and entrain a higher order
  • Leah is a certified Kemetic Yoga Teacher under the YogaSkills Teacher Training Program taught by Yirsr Ra Hotep
  • Open for 1:1 sessions over Zoom or in person classes around the BC Lower Mainland

Egyptian Tantra & Breathwork

Practices to unite the divine feminine and masculine within for next level manifestation

These powerful practices and tools help clear stagnant energy and interferences from all layers of one's being. I guide many different styles of embodiment and breathwork that help to cultivate vital life force energy to blast out any blockages from your entire field. 

Sound Healing & Egyptian Reiki

The Sonic Alchemy of Egyptian Light Language

  • Sound healing has the capacity to unlock many dormant abilities and healing powers. I have been gifted with the ability to channel a very specific form of Egyptian light language (soul codes) that anchors in ancient sacred sounds, invocations and symbols to encode the client's field for optimal outcomes. 
  • It has been revealed to me that I am a living Hathor, an emanation of the Egyptian cow Goddess of Creativity, Sensuality and Fertility. She works through me as a sonic alchemist and architect, delivering bespoke channeled transmissions and reiki based on the ancient Kemetic language to help clear and fortify your energy field at the deepest quantum level. 
  • I also work with sound bowls and my singing voice to re-encode my client's hologram with specific high frequency harmonics. The transmissions have been known to change lives miraculously and cause many auspicious shifts to occur very quickly!
  • Sessions can be done remotely via zoom or in person in Burnaby, BC Canada.
Watch FREE Intro to Egyptian Alchemy Masterclass

Are you feeling the call to go deeper? 

Current 1:1 Offerings:
  • Private Egyptian Alchemy Energy Attunements and Sound Baths ($144 for 90 minutes)
  • Spiritual Mentorship & Coaching
  • Artist and business development
  • Private Coaching begins at $111 USD per hour and is sold in 3 session packages. If you're interested in coaching, please book a free 30 minute discovery call below so we can get to know each other and make sure it's a good fit!
Current Group Offerings:
  • Kemetic Yoga & Egyptian Alchemy Workshops including Live Sound Bath (3 hrs) - a great unique offering for any yoga studio looking to bring something new to their community!
  • Ceremonial Facilitation of Medicine Circles through sound and touch (breathwork, plant medicines, etc)
  • Somatic Embodiment Journeys
  • Isis Initiation Retreats (2-4 days)

    Book a free discovery call via the link below or email Leah directly at [email protected].
Book a Free 30 Minute Discovery Call
Ready to dive in? Book an Energy Attunement session here


Leah Sonaria

Leah Sonaria Emmott, aka @flowpriestess, is a transformational guide, quantum healer and ceremonial spaceholder. After selling her 7 figure yoga clothing business in 2019, she embarked on an intensive healing journey that led her to discover her purpose as a spiritual mentor and ceremonialist.

Through dance, breathwork, plant medicines, tantra and flow arts, she activated her flow consciousness and creatrix power. Her deep study and practice of the divine feminine mysteries unlocked her medicine as a light language channeler and quantum healer, channeling the Hathors and Neteru directly. As a devoted Priestess of Isis and myrraphore, she works with clients to activate their highest soul blueprints and birth their creative legacies.

She travels the world as a planetary gridworker and recently returned from a 3 month pilgrimage to Egypt where she received special codes and medicines to share with the collective. Her current focus aside from her healing & spaceholding work is developing her musical artistry under the name Sonaria. 


Leah Sonaria

Leah Sonaria Emmott, aka @flowpriestess, is a transformational guide, quantum healer and ceremonial spaceholder. After selling her 7 figure yoga clothing business in 2019, she embarked on an intensive healing journey that led her to discover her purpose as a spiritual mentor and ceremonialist.

Through dance, breathwork, plant medicines, tantra and flow arts, she activated her flow consciousness and creatrix power. Her deep study and practice of the divine feminine mysteries unlocked her medicine as a light language channeler and quantum healer, channeling the Hathors and Neteru directly. As a devoted Priestess of Isis and myrraphore, she works with clients to activate their highest soul blueprints and birth their creative legacies.

She travels the world as a planetary gridworker and recently returned from a 3 month pilgrimage to Egypt where she received special codes and medicines to share with the collective. Her current focus aside from her healing & spaceholding work is developing her musical artistry under the name Sonaria. 

I am here to help you:

  • Unlock your inner wisdom and soul codes
  • Embody your highest self
  • Liberate your body and voice
  • Clear all energetic blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Reconnect with your feminine flow
  • Discover your soul gifts and divine purpose
  • Unleash your inner creatrix
  • Activate your superpowers
  • Manifest your dream life
  • Call in meaningful soul relationships
  • Become an empowered leader and spaceholder



"The healing is in the feeling, the knowing is in the flowing, and the learning is in the yearning."

~ Leah Sonaria